Investments in Key Industries
In our mission to empower economic growth, forge new career paths and spark excitement, the Longview Economic Development Corporation zeroes in on attracting the lifeblood industries of our region. Thanks to top-notch accessibility, robust infrastructure, reliable utilities, available land and a dynamic workforce pipeline, our strategic focus for industry growth covers a wide range of powerful sectors. Not chosen at random, these sectors have deep roots in our community, and we've cultivated an ecosystem of excellence to nurture their growth.
Poised for a successful future
Five Target Sectors

Semiconductor Manufacturing
Small chips of silicon and more, powering modern technology.

Aviation & Aeronautics
Facilitating global connectivity, economic growth, and efficient transportation.

Firearms & Ammunition
Security and defense intersect with precision engineering

Legacy Business & Industry
A commitment to legacy business and industry is just the beginning of our strategic focus on future industry growth.

Data Centers
Essential for businesses, data centers host technology, applications, and data.