Room for your Growing Business
Longview is home to two premier business parks, the Longview Business Park and North Business Park. Both are owned and managed by LEDCO. Both parks are easily accessible from major transportation outlets and have access to major interstates, ports and airports. Rail car handling at the parks can be provided by Phoenix Logistics, a local logistic company located approximately 8 miles from each park and serviced by the Union Pacific Railroad.
Park Infrastructure & Utilities
Natural gas
Access to high-speed fiber optic internet services
Longview Business Park
North Business Park
East Texas Regional Airport - Airpark
Longview’s East Texas Regional Airport is home to a 300-acre airpark that is designated as a Foreign Trade Zone, allowing flexible handling of domestic and imported merchandise. The airport and airpark are owned and operated by Gregg County. Developmental sites at the airpark are highly suitable for the commercial/industrial sector, providing a favorable climate for aviation-oriented businesses, aviation/aerospace manufacturers and non-aviation commercial/industrial uses.
The airport and airpark are easily accessible from I-20, US Hwys 59, 259, and 80 and Amtrak rail.